Sunday, December 31, 2017

First Sunday after Christmas: December 31, 2017

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Br. John Forbis , OHC
First Sunday after Christmas - Sunday, December 31, 2017

To hear the sermon in its fullness click here.

Br. John Forbis
This is how it began for me,
By John Forbis, OHC 

God spewed me
out of his mouth
and commanded me
to howl a cosmos.
All I knew was one sound,
not even a word.
But then I found
my voice.
Or was it God’s?
for neither God nor I
had ever
spoken before.

Then I spoke again
and could not stop speaking.
The darkness began
to roll, swirl and swell.
Then waters
Circles in the deep
layers of crust
were shaved,
contours smoothed.
I hummed and purred
while matter was
caressing itself
What came next
God called gift.
He molded
and branded himself
into a creation
with outlines and limits.
God wanted identity.
Or was it identification?
So he asked this of me.
And it was too much to ask.
I had no experience of rejection, suffering,
death or birth.
The closest
I had ever
come to life
was wind and mist.
Yet, I knew who was asking.
The rhythm
of his heartbeat
still lingers
in my ears. 
So I conformed
to the womb in which
he placed me,
returned to the darkness.
Once born,
I knew
I would have to
go there again.
But bellowing
as I do with
all of those
who need the
plain grace and truth
of a single vowel,
my death which is life
will not be overcome.

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