Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Feast of the Annunciation - March 25, 2025

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY

Br. Aidan Owen, OHC

The Feast of The Annunciation, March 25, 2025

Sooner or later we must all surrender to an unknown God. 

Until this moment comes, most of us have a rather tame idea of God. We have an image—positive or negative or somewhere in between—based on our childhood experiences of family and church and the world. We are running from or toward or even just ignoring this God. Beautiful or horrible as these images may be for us, they remain flat, pasted on the page of some imagined reality that, ultimately, we can control and shape according to our fantasies and illusions.

If our faith is ever to mature, we eventually have to face the reality of this unknown God who comes to us, asking us to bear him into a life we cannot even imagine. We stand on the edge of an abyss—a darkness that cannot be plumbed, a relationship than cannot be fathomed, an invitation to a death that will lead to a life beyond anything we can conceive. The cloud parts, beckoning us inward to overshadow us, and we must step forward willingly into the real God.

Such is the stark reality of the Annunciation, dressed up as we often find it with lilies and silent poses of patient waiting. Mary, admittedly less flustered than I would be if an angel suddenly appeared to me, asks Gabriel a simple question: “How can this be?” To which the angel replies “The power of the Most High will overshadow you.”

It is a response ripe with symbolism and scriptural resonance. Mary’s body is the deep darkness at the beginning of creation over which the Holy Spirit hovers. She is Mount Sinai, bathed in cloud, as God conveys the Law to Moses or Mount Tabor bearing the enclouded glory of Jesus’ Transfiguration. Her womb—filled now with God’s Word becoming Flesh—is also the Cross heavy with the fruit of salvation and the Empty Tomb from which Jesus rises to new life.

In 2016 Good Friday fell, as it does occasionally, on March 25th, this Feast of the Annunciation. This won’t happen again until 2157, long after we’re all gone, God willing. This concurrence is not accidental. In patristic and medieval tradition, March 25th was thought to be the date of Jesus’ Crucifixion. Jesus was conceived and died on the same day, 33 years apart, a perfect circle joining life and death. Or, as John Donne puts it, today we see “The abridgement of Christ’s story, which makes one / Of the Angel’s Ave and Consummatum est.

Many medieval images twine these two observances together, showing Mary as the fruitful vine that becomes the Cross of Christ flowering into new life. The Anglo-Saxon poem “The Dream of the Rood” links the two images with the tree in the Garden of Eden:
The fruit which gives life
Hangs, as we believe,
Upon the Virgin's breast,
And again upon the cross
Between two thieves.
Here, the child-bearing Virgin,
Here, the saving cross;
Both are mystic trees.
[The cross], the humble hyssop,
She, the noble cedar,
And both life-giving.
Her consent to birth and his to death finally made as one—the full circle of salvation written in the flesh of this day.

Mary could not have known, of course, where her “be it unto me according to thy word,” would take her and this life burgeoning inside her. I wonder if standing at the foot of the Cross, she heard the rustle of a wing and thought “Oh, this is the cost I agreed to all those years ago. Now, the bill is due.” I wonder if, hearing her son cry out, something inside her dropped, some long-held breath released in grief and recognition and—finally, all those years later—a surrender fully consummated.

God desires nothing less of us than everything we are or ever will be. In the first flush of infatuation, it’s easy enough to say yes, to give away our whole lives to this God who desires us and whom we desire. As the years draw on, though, the cost of our consent becomes clearer. And though we thought we knew what it meant to give our whole selves in love, we may come to see how little we understood in all our youthful bluster.

There comes a point—and likely a few such points throughout our lives—when, standing at the edge the abyss, we come face to cloudy face with this unknown and unknowable God who has been pursuing us our whole lives. We feel within the pit of ourselves the gravitational pull toward surrender. Like Mary, we consent to the overshadowing of all we are and all we have been. Through patience and, perhaps, longsuffering, we emerge from this dark baptism fully ourselves, maybe for the first time: God-bearers in a God-born world, holy Theotokoi—not from our own holiness but from the holiness of God forever infusing our bodies. This is what we were born for: to become the womb and the empty tomb, the fruitful vine and the flowering Cross. 

The emptiness that seemed to be our undoing becomes, through God’s great mercy, the very truest expression of our divine nature: the fullness of God’s love flowing through us into a hurting world.

I am convinced that this is the place of monasticism and of all authentic Christianity in our world today. We are called to bear witness (in the Greek, to become martyrs) to the love of a God who brings life out of death and whose final word is always love. In order to witness authentically to that love, we must step into the cloud of our own undoing, we must eventually choose to surrender to this unknown God who loves us into wholeness.

In 1920, Rilke wrote to a friend “The final thing is not self-subjugation / but silent loving from such centeredness / we feel round even rage and desolation / the finally enfolding tenderness.

Surrender to the overshadowing of God’s power is not self-subjugation, but consent to transformation. It is an apotheosis, a full revelation of God’s power made manifest in our own humanity. It is an allowing of God’s life to stream from our very pores. It is the recognition, even the celebration, of that finally enfolding tenderness that never can or will desert us, whatever the rage and desolation.

My brothers and sisters, let the power of the Most High overshadow you. Surrender to this unknown God and be reborn as yourself. Step into your poverty that is also your glory. Let out your be it unto me and your consummatum est. Today is the day of our undoing and our full becoming.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Third Sunday in Lent C, March 23, 2025

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY

Br. Bernard Delcourt
The Third Sunday in Lent, March 23, 2025

 Click here for an audio of the sermon

If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

It was not unusual in Jesus’ time for people to think that ordeals happened to people for a reason. Either they, or their progenitors had sinned and the accident or illness that happened to them was a punishment from God.

Even in our own days, we still hear of people who proclaim that an epidemic is hitting a particular group because of their alleged sins. 

In my youth, religious leaders of various convictions proclaimed that AIDS was an expression of God’s wrath on the gay community. 

In the early eighties, in Belgium, I was what was then called and AIDS buddy. I accompanied dying AIDS patients who had been abandoned by so-called friends and relatives. The idea was that they had had it come to them and were not worthy of compassion.

Nowadays, there are still people who accuse rape victims of having provoked the violence that happened to them. Can we keep ourselves from assigning blame to victims? 

Does anyone ever deserve illness or trauma? Jesus’ response to that is a radical “No.” Jesus does not deny that victims of accidents, illnesses and disasters are also sinners. But they are not worse sinners than those who have escaped such evils. We are all sinners, you and I.

Instead of dwelling on assigning blame or guilt, Jesus is quick to turn to those who might do just that.

“No, I tell you, unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.”

Unless we repent, we will suffer ruin or destruction.

So, whether we suffer catastrophe or not, we are all subject to God’s judgment. No matter how blessed we are (or not) in our life circumstances, we are all subject to God’s weighing how well we are abiding by God’s commandments of Love.

None of us are dispensed from repentance. We all need to change our minds and hearts and turn again towards God. And not only in Lent.

The Greek word translated as repentance in our text is “metanoia.” Its literal meanings are “repentance, a change of mind, a change in the inner self.” The Hebrew equivalent often associated with "metanoia" is “shub.” It means "to turn back" or "to return," indicating a return to God and God’s ways.

In Lent particularly, the church encourages us to return to God’s ways. That requires a good bit of introspection to assess where we have strayed. Have we failed to love God or neighbor by our actions, thoughts or omissions? Have we been complicit of evil done in our name or thanks to our lack of opposition to it?

There are sins that are personal and there are sins that are systemic. We are often quick to identify our personal sins. I lied to a family member. I took was not mine to take. But it is trickier to identify how our actions contribute to oppressive systems.

For instance, how does my lifestyle contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? How does my abstaining from calling out sexist or racist comments contribute to those systems continuing to have strength in our society? 

So it takes thinking time to identify how I am enmeshed in sinful systems. But identifying how we are involved helps to figure out ways to reduce or eliminate harm-giving in our life.

And prayer is required to ask how we can return to God who says “I am the way the truth and the life” (John 14:6). You can ask God’s help in figuring out how sin is active in your life.

Then, we can decide to turn back to God’s ways rather than our self-centered ways.

But fear not. God’s judgment won’t result in retaliation on either side of death. God’s judgment will result in deeper self-knowledge and God-knowledge on our behalf. We will see how immense God’s Love is. And we will see more clearly how we had fallen short from embodying and enacting that Love in our lives.

Now, should we wait until the final judgment to find out how we are doing? Can we undertake to gain some of that clarity in self-knowledge and God-knowledge this side of death? That is an enterprise fit for Lent and beyond. You know that procrastination is not our friend.

Our gospel passage today ends with a parable about repentance and how God holds back from final judgement and helps in our returning to God’s ways.

In our parable, the fig tree is not yet bearing fruit after three annual visits from the owner of the garden. I see God represented in both the owner and the gardener in this story. I see the owner as God the creator, the judge of all. And I see the gardener as God the advocate, the redeemer of all.

The owner of the garden is keenly aware of the fig tree’s failings to date. The gardener is aware that with help, the fig tree has potential. The owner lets himself be convinced to show leniency and holds back from sentencing the fig tree to harsher treatment. But we are left with a cliffhanger. Will the tree, with the loving care of the gardener, rise to the challenge of being fruitful in a year? No time for procrastination here either.

With this parable, Jesus leaves us warned of the urgency of repentance. The place and time for repentance is our life, here and now. There is no time to waste in returning to God and God’s ways.

Today, we need to humbly, honestly and realistically look at our own ways such as they are. We need to ask in prayer for God’s insight on how our ways differ from God’s ways. And we need to ask in prayer how we can reform our ways to concur with God’s ways. Ask God for fortitude and perseverance in that endeavor. God will come forth and help you.

And remember God’s nature is to pour grace upon grace on God’s creatures. God’s judgment cuts like a two-edged sword but God is helpful, and God is forgiving. God’s nature is love and mercy, which makes God’s judgment all the stronger. God knows that following God’s ways is often hard. But God is rooting for us.

As Isaiah wrote (Is 55:7b), 

let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on them,

 and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

And I leave you with a pro tip on following God’s ways. As Jesus says in the gospel according to Matthew: … if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Matthew 6:14).

Give us loving hearts, o God, and help us to keep returning to your ways.


Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Second Sunday in Lent C, March 16, 2025

Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY

Br. Scott Wesley Borden

The Second Sunday in Lent, March 16, 2025

At first glance this is not the most engaging section of Luke, nor does it seem to offer much for Lent. But what if we give a second glance... 

To start off, we have this somewhat out of character exchange between Jesus and a group of Pharisees. Typically, Pharisees show up in the Gospels to cause trouble. They ask trick questions and try to catch Jesus in legal traps. In a stylistic sense, they are plot foils – Pharisees’ bad behavior shows off Jesus’ good behavior. But these seem to be good Pharisees... concerned about Jesus’ health and safety. They warn him to get out because Herod plans to kill him. 

Herod, keep in mind, is one of the most truly dangerous leaders in scripture – perhaps even throughout history. He is corrupt, insecure, paranoid, narcistic and a sociopath, among other things. In Christian Tradition Herod’s father, also Herod, welcomes Jesus' birth by having all the male children in and around Bethlehem slaughtered. This Herod is very much cut from the same piece of cloth. Perhaps the Pharisees can’t stomach Herod either. And by the way, Jesus is not stupid. He knows that Herod wants him dead even without this warning from the Pharisee.  

It's entirely possible that the Pharisees are not really worried about Jesus’ health and safety. Maybe they just want Jesus to go away and scaring him seems like a good plan. For most people it would probably work, but Jesus, as they say, is not most people... 

Jesus tells the Pharisees to take a message back to Herod. This is odd because nothing in Luke’s Gospel, or anywhere in scripture for that matter, indicates that the Pharisees work for Herod... Nonetheless, it does seem to validate the notion that Jesus knows that these apparently benign Pharisees are not benign. 

“You go and tell that fox..., meaning Herod, “that I’m not going anywhere” is the message that Jesus sends 

Scripture seems to divide animals between predators and prey. Lamb, sheep, hens, and doves – prey animals, are used to depict the followers of Jesus. Predators – wolves, snakes, lions, and in this instance foxes, are used to depict evil and dangerous people. When Isaiah talks about the wolf lying down with the lamb, it is a vision of predators and prey living together – a vision of God’s Kingdom. 

Foxes are small, solitary, and opportunistic predators. So, a fox might hunt a kitten, but even an adult cat is probably safe around a fox. Chickens or hens, on the other hand, are especially welcome on the fox’s dinner plate... and that becomes more relevant in a few moments.  

Lions and wolves may be threatening, yet they also command respect. But Jesus has chosen a pretty unadmirable animal to describe Herod. Foxes, like weasels, don’t get much respect... It is surely a careful editorial choice on Jesus’ part.  

And what is the message for that fox? Essentially that Jesus is going about his business. Jesus is not frightened of Herod. Jesus knows that death awaits him in Jerusalem, but until then Herod is powerless – like a fox against a larger animal. 

The mention of Jerusalem seems to change the tone of the story. Now we have this lament from Jesus: Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to help. Jesus is invoking the Book of Lamentations – the account of the destruction of the City of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. If you are looking for an appropriate study book for Lent, Lamentations is a great place to start. But for now, let's stay with Luke... 

Jerusalem is more than just a great city... more than just the location of the Temple – God's home on earth as it was thought... Jerusalem is the very embodiment, the personification of the people of Israel – God's chosen people. In our modern world I can’t think of any example where a city personifies a people. We could have a conversation about New York City, its strengths and failures, and I don’t think anybody would think we are talking about all New Yorkers, or even all people from Manhattan... But those listening to Jesus are keenly aware that Jerusalem is a stand-in for all Israelites... for them. 

Jesus’ meaning is as clear as it is bleak: Jerusalem, and by extension all of Israel, kills the prophets and stones those sent to help. God has tried time after time and in various ways to call the chosen people back to faithfulness. And these calls have fallen on deaf, even hostile, ears. Thus it will be for Jesus. The ears will be deaf and hostile. His calls for repentance will be ignored and he will be crucified.  

Jesus wants nothing more than to be able to protect Israel as a mother hen protects her brood. It is a beautiful image; made all the more poignant by the predatory fox, Herod, waiting in the wings. As we’ve noted, the fox is an opportunistic predator, and nothing is a better opportunity than a brood of chicks... Jesus’ brood of chicks... that would be us. 

Jesus knows what is coming, and we can feel Jesus’ heart breaking. 

Of course, this is not just a story about the people of Israel some two thousand years ago... it is a story about us, here and now, as well. 

We are now part of Jerusalem. We are part of God’s chosen people – because God has a radical new way of choosing. Now God chooses everyone. It is one of the simplest and yet most difficult concepts of the Gospel. There are no “unchosen people. Everyone is chosen. 

Even Jesus seems to struggle with how radically inclusive God has become. For example, Jesus can’t see the Syrophoenician Woman in Mark’s Gospel as one of the chosen people. Jesus barely sees her as human until she opens his eyes. The state of our modern world tells us beyond doubt that we are still a long way from recognizing that God choses everyone, not just those who look or think or love like we do.  

The brood that Messiah gathers under her wings will be protected not because Messiah is a great and mighty warrior who will destroy the fox, or wolf, or whatever predator you conjure. We will be safe because Isaiah foresees a place and time when the wolf and the lamb can lie down together. Martin Luther King dreamed of a place where all God’s children could play together. Archbishop Desmond Tutu saw that God had a dream, a vision, that all of creation could live together.  

It is the vision that inspires religious movements – at our best. It is a vision that we all experience in various times and places. It is a vision that has not yet become fully realized, but neither has this dream, this vision, died. It is God’s vision after all. It cannot die. 

A vision of living in God’s Kingdom, Utopia, is one that has a strong pull on the human spirit. It is close... We can practically see it, but we can’t quite figure out how to get there from here. 

More troubling, we don’t quite trust God’s radically inclusive vision. Too often we seem to be convinced that we have a better way to achieve Utopia – get rid of all the bad people and Utopia is what will be left. It seems like a reasonable plan. But Isaiah’s vision, God’s vision, is not a place free of predators, of bad people. It is a place where the lions and lambs, the prey and the predators live together.  

Hitler wanted to build Utopia. That was his vision. In Hitler’s vision, if you could just get rid of the bad people, starting with the Jews and then the mentally defectives, the Gypsies, LGBTQ+ people, and many more, the result would be perfection... utopia... Heaven on Earth.  

In reality, the result was dystopia... Hell on Earth. Scripture tells us without a prophetic vision we will perish. To be without a vision is bad enough, but to have the vision of a false prophet, of a liar or a sociopath, is far worse 

Yet we have voices among us from those claiming to be lovers of Jesus, who want to cleanse our world of the people they conclude God does not like. The problem with that is that God loves everyone. 

Here in this time of Lent, of repentance, we must repent of not allowing ourselves to move into that radical, all inclusive, Godly love that envelops everyone. I may not be ready yet to be all-loving, but I can move in that direction. That is part of the work of Lent. We are called to repent of our sins that separate us from God’s boundless love and grow toward a Godlier way of being. Separating ourselves from any of God’s other children is sinful – in this season we are called to repent of our sins and amend our ways.  

As we continue this journey with Jesus through Lent... this journey that leads to Jerusalem, to Crucifixion, we can live with the assurance from Jesus that there is no sin for which we cannot be forgiven. There is no way we can lose God’s love. God loves us not in spite of our sins and failures... God loves us – period. Sins and all 

As we grow in the knowledge of God’s unconditional love, we will grow in our own ability to love our siblings and all of God’s creation with fewer and fewer conditions.  

This is the work of Lent: to put to rest the ghosts of our past failure and prepare ourselves to rise in glory with Jesus.